Ecologically committed !

Eco-friendly french language school

Our school is an ecologically committed school

At SOFI 64, we teach French and we love it! We also love Nature!

That’s why we do our best to be ecologically committed… We believe that small things can make a difference!

We take in consideration multiple factors and concentrate our efforts on food, waste sortingcleaning

FOOD —-> We offer organic snacks on Fridays! Local and seasonal fruits or cakes we proudly bake or baguette and organic jam …

In our kitchen, you won’t find no plastic cups or plates!

RECYCLING —-> At school, there is a bin for almost every kind of garbage! Paper, toners, glass, cardboard and even organic waste such as coffee, raw vegetables and fruits…

CLEANING —-> Products we use to clean our premises are natural and organic.

BIODIVERSITY —-> We tried to add as many plants and grass wherever we could to help bees and other insects feed and gather pollen: lavender, thym, rosemary, heather, sage, raspberry bushes, chives… and more to come! 🙂 Link to some of these plants here.

VEGETABLES GARDEN —-> Our small vegetables garden is organic.

For both our gardens, we do not use any pesticide at all. Nature does it best!


If you have any eco-friendly suggestions, we will be glad to hear them out! Merci 🙂


Eco-friendly french language school







Choose the right verb!

Choose the right verb in French

A guide to 6 French verbs … parler / dire / connaître / savoir / faire / jouer !


This week, let’s see how to use six French verbs usually mixed up… No need to worry, it is easier than what it looks like! 🙂


1. Dire ou Parler

These two verbs are used in different situations.

With the verb “dire”, you can say “dire quelque chose”. For example, it is possible to say “dire merci, dire bonjour, dire au revoir…” :

“Les serveurs disent bonjour aux clients.”

“La petite fille a dit merci à ses grands-parents.”

“La cliente dit au revoir au vendeur”.

You can also repeat what someone said with the structure ‘dire que‘:

“Laura m’a dit que les cours étaient très animés et intéressants.”

“Le serveur m’a dit qu‘il n’y avait plus de crème brulée comme dessert.”


With the verb “parler”, you cannot say “je parle mercibut it is possible to say:

—> je parle vite, tu parles beaucoup, il parle trop, nous parlons tout le temps, vous parlez bien, ils parlent clairement…

—> parler avec quelqu’un, parler de quelque chose, parler à quelqu’un, parler pendant des heures…

You can also say:

—> parler anglais, français, basque, espagnol, allemand

Attention: You cannot parler bonjour!


2. Connaître ou Savoir

The verb “connaître” is used with nouns. You can say for example:

“Je connais ses qualités.”

“Je ne connais pas les raisons de son comportement.”

“Il connaît bien ses voisins.”

The verb “savoir” is used with verbs. For example:

“Je sais qu’elle est honnête.”

“Elle ne sait pas pourquoi il a agi comme ça.”

“Ils savent qu’ils peuvent compter sur leurs voisins.”

Attention: You cannot say “Je connais que…“!


3. Faire ou Jouer

When you play sports and want to talk about your sports activities, you have two possibilities, use the verb “faire” or the verb “jouer”.
The verb “faire” can be used for all sports! It is possible to say:
“Je fais du tennis, il fait du surf, nous faisons du golf, tu fais du rugby, elles font de l’équitation…”.


The verb “jouer” is only used with ball sports… So it is possible to say “Je joue au tennis, au golf, au rugby, au frisbee, au badminton, au hockey…” but it is not possible to say Je joue au surf….


Et voilà!


Beach clean up !

Beach clean up - SOFI 64

Keep our beaches clean!

First week of October, we gathered all together after our French lesson and headed to the beach for a good beach clean up!

We were nicely surprised to find a beach free of large garbage stuff. We had plenty to do with very small plastic parts though amongst which too many lollipops sticks and straws…

2 hours later, with 4 garbage bags full of plastic bits we can feel useful and happy to have contributed to maintaining our beach clean!

Merci à tous! 

Beach clean up - SOFI 64