Tag Archives: Recipes

Crêpes Day!

French crêpes & red fruits

Candlemas or Crêpes Day

Assiette de crêpes et de fruits rouges


Because in France everything or almost everything has a connection with gastronomy, we had to tell you about this special day the whole country love: Candlemas (La Chandeleur in French).


Of course, French people, who are huge gourmands at heart, do not hesitate to eat crêpes all year long but this one day gives them a good excuse to eat some (more)!

Originally a pagan festival dating back to Roman times, Candlemas was celebrated in honor of the God Pan. This feast consisted of walking through the streets with torches or candles.

At the beginning of February, the days gradually begin to lengthen. The consumption of crêpes would thus be a tribute to the cycle of the seasons and the arrival of spring announcing better days. Round and golden, crêpes symbolized the sun and the return to light.


Christianized later in the 5th century, it is celebrated 40 days after Christmas, always on February 2nd.


As a result, La Chandeleur is a mix of both of these traditions Pagan & Christian.


Big fans of crêpes since our youngest age, we share with you 3 illustrated crêpes recipes easy to make.


Bon appétit!


Recette de crêpes illustrée

Recette de crêpesRecette de crêpes makis illustrée